Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mini Me

In recent months, my daughter has taken to looking pretty much just like me. It wasn't always that way. Right out of the womb she looked just like Dan:

As she's grown, her cheeks have gotten larger to mimic mine, her chin is shaped the same much so that Dan has started to call Lucy Mini Sarah, and lovingly gives me the nickname Big Lucy.

So this week, I've started noticing some other things/quirks that she may have "inherited" from her mother.
One - It's mosquito season, and instead of having gotten her fathers blood, which is apparently poison for mosquitoes (he never gets a single bite) she instead got mine...which is just sweet nectar and will attract those little blood suckers from 100 miles away. The poor thing is covered! And honestly, what can you do for a poor baby with bug bites? I just put a damp wash cloth on the bites and hope it alleviates the itching....just a little bit.
Two - Shes getting stubborn!! (To my dear parents, who wished upon me a girl with as strong a will as I had....well, you got your wish). She HATES getting her diaper changed. Changing her on the changing table has become a circus act, as Lucy does flips and rolls to get out from under my grip, and away from the evil diaper. So I've taken to changing her on the floor, which usually ends up with me chasing naked baby butt around the room, and doing a sneak attack change as shes pulls herself up on the bookshelf. May I present exhibit A:

But, as much as she looks/acts like me....there are some things she gets from Dan. See that cute tush? That, she got from her father :-)

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