Friday, June 11, 2010

"You're not from around here are you?"

So in the last day Dan and I have booked our plane tickets, rental car, and hotel for our house hunting trip to Altus. We've booked our hotel rooms for our road tip when we move. Today, it was my job to call the veterinarian in Altus, and get Gus all set up to get circumcised. So I called the one vet in town and crossed my fingers that their price would be good and they'd have an opening.

Heres how the convo went:

Me "I have a golden doodle that needs to be neuterd."
Vet "Well, how much does he weigh, because it costs more if we need more anesthesia"
Me "um, 60 pounds ish"
Vet "Well then it will be $105"
Me " Ok how much for the rest of it?"
Vet "Um, what do you mean?
Me "Well, $105 for the anesthesia, how much for the rest"
Vet "Youre not from around here are you?"

$105 for the whole thing?????? Around here it costs abotu $450 MINIMUM!!!! And to make things even better, I told her I wanted to book Gus an appt. She said..."Well mam, you can just bring him in, as long as he hasnt had anything to eat the night before." WHAT???? Unheard of! Then she asked my name, so I said..."Sarah Gross...G-R-O"
Vet "Oh no, I dont need you to spell it. I'm not writing it down. I just wanted to know it so that when you come in with your golden doodle, I'll be able to put a face to a name"

My oh my...Gus, I don't think we're in DC anymore.....

So....friendly people, inexpensive service, walk-in neutering....point Altus. :)

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